A pursuit of Averroes and Avicenna’s contributions to the study of some signs and their meanings.
A pursuit of Averroes and Avicenna’s contributions to the study of some signs and their meanings.
Hamid Elazoui
Moulay Ismail University- Meknes, Morocco
The Abstract:
In this paper we tend to remind the Twenty-First Century readers of the great scientific achievements realized by the worldwide known ‘Muslim scholars’:Avicenna (IbnSina) (980—1037) and Averroes (IbnRushd) (1126—1198). Thanks to their scientific discoveries published in many voluminous works, we find that some modern Western and Eastern researchers with Semiotic backgrounds are very interested in these two ‘Scholars’ scientific achievements considered real amalgamations of what Greek and Arab researches had realized in those times of yore. In this respect, it should be noted that Avicenna and Averroes’s hundreds of works had not only been translated into some foreign languages in those times, and, later then, into many other Indo-European languages, but they also had been carefully investigated and deeply studied to find explanations to those ‘signs’ and ‘their meanings’ that Avicenna and Averroes had discussed in their researches.
Indeed, we could not take the risk to admit that these two ‘Scholars’ had been real Semioticians, but they had been outstanding investigators in Medicine and Philosophy: two specialties that are tighly and logically linked to Semiotics. For this reason, we have decided to write this paper to remind the readers of the fact admitting that “in the very truthful fiction of Eco, The Name of The rose, the finis Africae indicates that forbidden place of the library containing books among, which we find Arabic-Muslim Philosophers”.
Sequel to what has been mentioned above, it is worth indulging in reading and thinking of what had been written by and about these two ‘Scholars’ in the belief to give them a kind of a so-called tribute from our part for their bulky works providing readres with ‘distilled knowledge’.We say so because we have realized that some ancient scientists, in general, and many modern scientists, in particular, still owe a great deal to these two ‘Scholars’ thanks to their miscellaneous scientific achievements that should be saved as genuine basic fields for further studies by scientific researchers, notably by modern Semioticians.
Also, it should be noted that Avicenna and Averroes lived in two different continents and different centuries, but they had almost very common interests in different scientific fields. According to many sources, recorded views and written impressions, Avicenna and Averroes had been highly evaluated and rationally praised by their contemporary researchers in their times, but centries later, they had been criticized by other modern researchers for some of their insufficient facts to deal with some scientific issues. Such views could not be denied or ignored because in their times, Avicenna and Averroes could not succeed at answering all questions and solve all problems that we might nowadays somehow solve thanks to highly developed and sophisticated technologies.
NB: Je désire participer à la session Finis Africae Trajectories oarganisée pa Mr Bernoussi Mohamed;
Hamid Elazoui ( hamidelazoui@yahoo.com)
Temas y ejes de trabajo:
Semiótica e historia
Estado del abstract
Estado del abstract: