Intermediality and Transmediality of The Name of the Rose: from Novel to Film to TV Series

We will consider the diverse strategies of adaptation employed in the case of the famous novel The Name of the Rose (1980) by Umberto Eco, examining the complex passage through different discourses, practices and processes from Eco's novel to Jean Jacques Annaud’s film (The Name of the Rose, 1986) and the TV series (The Name of the Rose, 2019 - on air). The analysis will adopt a socio-semiotic methodology, in order to draw attention to translational ‘continuities’ from one medium to another as well as to the differences and ‘discontinuities’ in transmedia reinterpretations of previous source materials (Jenkins 2006; Mittell 2015; Dusi 2015). In scrutinizing the translational shifts from The Name of the Rose the novel to film and TV series adaptations the idea is not to establish any presumed ‘faithfulness’ to the original text: it is a question, rather, of developing a flexible approach in the study of different, though related, textual products and their independent ability to construct meanings (Lotman 2009; Saldre, Torop 2012). According to the semiotics of translation (Eco 2001), it is a problem of “functional equivalence” among texts to some signifying levels of the novel and, conversely, how the creation of different meanings and affects for new model readers works. In transmedia terms, the novel becomes a matrix of invariants comprising a specific “storyworld” that includes some narrative, thematic, figurative, discursive and stylistic rules of the game (Dusi 2019). Works cited Dusi, N., "Don Quixote, intermediality and remix: Translational shifts in the semiotics of culture". International Journal of Cultural Studies. 18(1), 2015, pp. 119-134. Dusi, N., “Adapting, Translating and Reworking Gomorrah”. Adaptation. 2019, forthcoming. Eco, U., Experiences in Translation. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001. Jenkins, H., Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. New York: New York University Press, 2006. Mittell, J., Complex Tv. The Poetics of Contemporary Television Storytelling. New York and London: New York University Press, 2015. Lotman, J.M., Culture and Explosion. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2009 [1993]. Saldre, M. and Torop, P., "Transmedia Space". In Crossmedia Innovations: Texts, Markets, Institutions. Edited by I. Indrek and C. A. Scolari. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2012, pp. 25-44.
Thema und Achsen: 
Semiotik und Erzählungen
Semiotik der Bildsprachen, der audiovisuellen Sprachen und der Klangsprachen
Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia

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