The traveller's gaze: a semiotic analysis of Instagram’s travel photographs
The new technologies and medias accentuate the constant and uninterrupted growth of languages. The visual forms of expression and communication, above all, seem to be dominating the world in the 21st century, in the way they are present on television, magazines, newspapers, advertising, computers, smartphones and so many other spaces. Mediated by cyberculture and social networking sites and applications, contemporary societies are faced with the inescapability of the image, in various sectors of each individual's life. In view of this context, Instagram is naturally inserted as a platform in which visual forms, especially photography, have a prominent place in the interaction among its users. Unlike other social networking sites, on Instagram the verbal and sound languages are in the background, since the platform's emphasis lies in what is visual. The thematic content of travel was the centerline selected to unite the photographs, the target of this research. The subject seems to be a trend and is in evidence in contemporary information and communication flows. In the light of C. S. Peirce's semiotics , with the view of authors such as Lucia Santaella, such photographs published on Instagram are analyzed, in the present work, in relation to the way they are visually configured. From the study of the notions of sign, its fundaments and its relation to the object, especially as to the concepts of icon, index, symbol, the way the travel photographs published on Instagram are visually structured was outlined. The Peircean theory of signs applied to these specific objects allowed analyzing the predominance of certain semiotic elements, in order to understand the layers of meaning that compose travel images published on the social network website and application. The understanding of these signs, which are the digital photographs shared on the Internet, is fundamental for the development of communication and journalism, in times when information increasingly assumes a visual character, and freely transits through the net, through mobile devices never before so present in the daily lives of individuals.
Thema und Achsen:
Semiotik der Bildsprachen, der audiovisuellen Sprachen und der Klangsprachen
Universidade de Brasília
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