Economy and experience: new semiotic approach for video game analysis
In the first part of the paper we shall outline a proposal for a new type of narrative analysis where on the level of narrative syntax the values will be considered not on the base of the relation of conjunction or disjunction between the object and the subject, but on the base of the economical principle of scarcity. Such approach makes the semiotic analysis more adequate to the interactive narrative where decision making and “reader’s” performance decide the success or failure of the narrative programs. On this level of analysis also the configuration of the modalities is much simplified as far as the performance of the reader/player is formally sanctioned with score in every phase of the process. In the second part of this work we will apply this new semiotic approach to two very famous online digital games: League of Legends and Warframe. More specifically, we will look at how the mechanics and distribution of resources can lead to the realization of the main narrative programs and consequently to victory. Thanks to our analysis we will see how an underlying economical system of meaning exists in these two games and at the same time how the different use of the scarcity principle can lead to different valorizations. Finally, we will also look at the crucial role of the “reader” in filling in the blanks of these texts with his actions and decisions that are nothing else than a performative form of interpretation. Indeed, even within the extremely normative economic systems of digital games the player is still the one realizing the narrative possibilities and dealing with the artificial scarcities of these virtual worlds.
Thema und Achsen:
Semiotik der Mediatisierung
New Bulgarian University
Mehr Aussteller
Gianmarco Giuliana
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