Registration of attendees

As the maximum number of participants has been reached, it has been decided to enable the registration of attendees free of charge with access to all general and plenary sessions.

To register for free and access the certificate of participation: Registration of attendees.

This free registration does not include access to: congress materials, coffee break, lunch, opening ceremony and closing ceremony.



The participants will be registered once its abstract is accepted and its corresponding fee has been paid.

The payment will be made exclusively through the electronic system of the Congress website.

To facilitate payment identification, it is recommended to enter the website (through the LOGIN button) before paying the inscription.

Values according to country segments (classification used for the 2017 IASS / AIS congress in Kaunas is reiterated). Check the classification.

Considering the strong devaluation of the emerging countries currencies in 2018 (Turkey, Argentina, Brazil, Russia and India, among others), the Organizing Committee has decided to reduce the fees corresponding to the participants from the countries of segments 2 and 3.




With discount until March 4

Without discount until May 6


(Segments LPP)

 Segment 1

180 U$S

250 U$S

 Segment 2

100 U$S

170 U$S

 Segment 3

80 U$S

150 U$S

 AAS Members

60 U$S

60 U$S



10 U$S

15 U$S *


5 U$S

10 U$S*


The fee includes: (1) full access to every activity of the congress, (2) material and services during the congress, (3) all the snacks of the coffee breaks, (4) all the events of the social program (except for the optional ones), (5) participation to the opening ceremony and welcome buffet, (6) farewell toast, (7) certificate.

* Attendees can pay their registration to the Congress until the very beginning of the event.

MPORTANT: This fee don't includes the subscription as a member of the IASS / AIS during congress year (segment 1: U$S 30, segments 2 and 3: U$S 18). Membership of the IASS is obligatory for participating in IASS World Congresses. The subscription is required for access to the Assembly and for choosing IASS / AIS authorities. The subscription can be done until May 6, 2019.


Number of speakers and attendees

The maximum number of participants is 900.

Important information

Since the expenses corresponding to the organization of the Congress have already been incurred or have been committed according to a specific number of participants, as of August 21 the cancellation of registration will not imply any kind of reimbursement.

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