The film adaptation of the novel Paranoid Park: a semiodiscursive point of view

Departing from the studies on intersemiotic translation, French semiotics and its more recent developments, such as tensive semiotics (Zilberberg) and the semiotics of practices (Fontanille), we intend to approach the adaptation of the novel Paranoid Park (Blake Nelson, 2006) to the cinema (Gus Van Sant, 2007). Adaptation, from the semiotic point of view, must be understood as an operation of resignification, an "enunciative project” which aims not only at a transposition of discoursive elements of a source-text to a target- text, such as actors, time, space, themes and figures (organized in the generative process), but also at a recreation of some images, sounds and moviment suggested in the verbal text. Such transposition is possible through a praxis operation which actualizes a meaning structure potentialized by the source-text, and actualizes it, realizing a new one. In the comparison of book and movie, we will demonstrate how some parts of the story, which is about an adolescent who writes a few letters telling memories of a traumatic event and its enduring consequences in his life, is expressed in forms and contents of verbal order, and then turned into audiovisual discourse. We will also comment on some ways both texts works eidetic, chromatic and plastic categories, organizing semi-symbolic operations. In our case, since the film intends to "mimic" mixed impressions and sensations of a character-narrator under a continuos feeling of overwhelming shock, building, thus, subjectivity and "inner space" (focalization), we will observe how the audiovisual enunciator recreates the main character and his subjective memories, by combining and graduating sound and visual elements to express emotions and inner states (greater or lesser distance between camera and object, use of soundscapes, image centralization, camera moviment and framing, chromatic intensity, edition speed, etc.), making them more or less iconic and tonic in the audiovisual text. Discussing film adaptation through discourse semiotics opens new discussions in the field and envolves the semantic translation of discursive, tensive, figurative, plastic and poetic elements. The paper is part of a phd thesis in progress.
Temas y ejes de trabajo: 
Los pasajes y articulaciones entre semióticas verbales y no verbales
Semióticas de los lenguajes visuales, sonoros y audiovisuales
University of São Paulo

Estado del abstract

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