The 14° World Congress of Semiotics IASS 2019 served as a meeting platform for an ever-growing semiotic community that comes from diverse geographies, cultures, institutions, schools.

This event will be remembered for its magnitude and the possibility of exchanging the results of current semiotic studies.

We are grateful for the participation, the enthusiasm and the promise to continue working collaboratively in the future.

New meetings, publications, conferences, seminars and research projects await us.

We hope that the work of our discipline will contribute to building a more egalitarian, equitable and solidary world.

See you at Θεσσαλονίκη

Organizing Committee




The 14° World Congress of Semiotics invites to reflect on the trajectories of the discipline; on the memories, the materialities and the commitments that support its researches through the itineraries of sense. For this reason, we interviewed members of the Scientific Committee of this new edition of the World Congress about their trajectories and the future bets of Semiotics.

The interviews are set on three questions:

1) How is the personal and academic path that led you to Semiotic Studies?

2) What are the developments you are currently carrying out in Semiotics Studies?

3) What challenges do you consider that Semiotic Studies have to face in the future?



PhD. María Teresa Dalmasso

PhD. Marita Soto

PhD. Oscar Traversa

PhD. María Ledesma

PhD. Oscar Steimberg

PhD. Lucrecia Escudero Chauvel

PhD. José Luis Fernández

PhD. Ana Camblong

PhD. Claudio Guerri

PhD. Elvira Arnoux


Production: Martín Acebal and Cristina Voto

Audiovisual record and edition: Guadalupe Álvarez, Maximiliano Cortés and Micaela Paz

These interviews are part of the research project "Semiotics of performativity: epistemological lens, event and performative effect" directed by Dr. Claudio Guerri and based at the National University of Tres de Febrero (UNTREF).






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