Reproduction of dystopic forms through their dystopic representations: A semiotic critical path on media (and) technological trajectories

Development of media (and) technology on a global scale offers semiotic studies a series of questions to disclose and answer in a critical way. Yet, media themselves seem to critically analyze the issue of technology acceleration and trajectories through their contents. Media discourses, in particular apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic movies, TV series and videogames, provides accurate dystopic narrations of our post-medial presents and future - mainly in terms of cultural, economic, ecologic relations with human beings. Nevertheless, these media contents, rather than activate real concerns about technological (and human) problems, become devices of entertainment, inoculation and self-reproduction “in spite of, or rather, by” (Barthes 1957) the same evils they promote and represent. The projection of their evils in the future, is a way to placate the critical consciousness of the viewer/user and to restore the present (and its intrinsic dystopian trajectory). Furthermore, the critique through representation in the media sphere, separate from its material components and distant from a structural transformation, contributes to the "fetishization" (Baudrillard 1972) of the media scenery itself –increasing the fascination for media and technology while limiting and controlling the actual agency of the viewer/user (Eco 1979). From WALL*E to Black Mirror, this work will focus on "premediation" (Grusin 2010) of dystopia, not only as instrument of media discourse, but as the key semiotic issue in order to analyze the ideological value of these products and of their contents, within the media structure they belong to, and reflect. Therefore, between studies on the dystopic effects of media and technologies (in terms of devices) and analysis on dystopic media representation (in terms of contents), this work aims to intersect these two broad fields of research, in order to investigate media (and) technological trajectories in terms of forms which reproduce themselves through their reflexive contents (Landowski & Marrone 2002). In this dialectic between forms and contents, structures and values, a semiotic perspectives can define and reflect its own critical trajectory through the (critique of the) media (and) technological one. Main bibliography: Barthes, R. (1957) Mythologies Baudrillard, J. (1972) For a critique of the political economy of the sign Eco, U. (1979) The role of the reader Grusin, R. (2010) Affect and mediality after 9/11 Landowski, E. & Marrone, G. (eds) (2002) La società degli oggetti: Problemi di interoggettività
Tema e machados: 
As articulações e confrontações entre perspectivas semióticas e investigações em comunicação
Semiótica das mediatizações
University of Bologna

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