With an idea to mention the essential difference between a semiotic and an aesthetic view of an architectural object, we might say that the first takes the (architectural) object as a sign of something else while the second takes it as pleasurable in itself. In the first case, we note just enough about it to distinguish it from other signs in the same code and think only of the quantitative significance its position in that code has discussions on. In the second case, we ignore the meaning and look only at the features that compose it, the shape, colour, texture, and so on, with a viewpoint to take delight or pleasure in what we see. The perception which is respectively the object of analysis of each, should not be interpreted to mean that the two disciplines may be resolved into one. Two main observations, apprehension of meaning and pleasure in the perception of form, keep them distinct, even they have many methods of analysis in common. One of the characteristics of contemporary architecture is minimalism. As there is a no a continuous stream of development manifesting its presence, minimalism (in architecture) does not represent a style or movement direction (in the same way as in Art history, Aesthetics or Theory of art). This is probably the reason why the views of it are diametrically different. Challenged and criticized, minimalist architecture is presented as aesthetically cold and sterile creating of an inhuman environment. But, according to many, minimalism (in architecture) is a step towards the realization of an authentic art of the sublime, and this makes it understandable as originally mostly evolved in the aesthetical areas. Today the search for meanings in architecture is based on the concept of dematerialization of contemporary architectural practice, which in the searching for spirituality and essence, expresses the idea of establishing a logical sequence from the conceptual to the semiotics. In this study, in the case of minimalism in architecture, our statement of aesthetic perception seems to be spread by the notion of semiotics. Therefore, it will be examining some of the interesting reformulations that occur when the semiotic field spills over into an area traditionally belonging to aesthetics.
Tema e machados:
Semiótica e arquitetura
University Union Nikola Tesla, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Belgrade, Serbia
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