This talk would be part of the panel: The Role of the Reader/The text as a seduction machine

The text as a seduction machine The development of contemporary text-oriented semiotics is characterized by a number of analyzes of "exemplary texts", in some enigmatic terms or directed to the solution of an enigma: we think in particular of Sarrazine di Balzac analyzed by Barthes (S / Z, 1970 ) or A drame bien parisien by Alphonse Allais analyzed by Umberto Eco (Lector in fabula, 1979). These analysis differently and progressively draw the active cooperating role of the reader, often called to juggle an interpretive path that is anything but simple, of which a strategic dimension of deception and manipulation is an integral part. In Un drame bien parisien, for example, in the course of the text the Author seems to make fun of the inferences of the reader he himself provoked, showing the inconsistency, the difficulty in arriving at establishing the "truth" of the text. According to Eco, in a case like this we are dealing with meta-texts, or "epistemological metaphors", whose purpose would actually be to warn the reader about the persuasive mechanisms of believing and making people believe in interior of a culture that allows the development of contradictory opinions between them. This position, therefore, assigns a pedagogically relevant role to the literary narrative text of the kind of those mentioned. Eco teaches us that there are different forms of logic: for example that of figurative reasoning, which we propose to investigate by considering its role in the construction of textual effectiveness. Finally: given that the narration today knows an extraordinary diffusion, above all outside the literary genre, in terms of storytelling, which is practiced in various fields, from politics to marketing, we wonder if this dimension of "critical training" is still present in narrative constructions, or if they are right those who stigmatize it as a form above all manipulative and antithetical to logical reasoning.
Tema e machados: 
A analise do discurso como pratica interpretativa
Sapienza Università di Roma

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