The idea of heretical figures and socio-cultural conflict in Umberto Eco’s, “The Name of Rose” and its adaptations
The intention of this paper is to analyze and discuss, from a cultural and socio-semiotic point of view, some emerging narrative and discursive figures, from Eco’s novel (1980), its filmic adaptation (1986) and the new TV series (2019). We will discuss the “figure of heretic”, also taking up the interest – scientific as well as popular, i.e. in media – for this multiple figure, as well as the discussion about this, either in Middle Ages studies, as well as that proposed by one of Eco's closest colleagues and friends, the semiologist Paolo Fabbri. Taking in consideration characters spreading from Eco’ books and and filmic and TV adaptations, the aim of this paper is to understand the genesis and transformation of those figures and discursive (as well as ideological and axiological) devices, providing also a wider reference to recent media and TV studies’ panorama, also applied to digital media and social media; but also to “sub-textual” network or textual archipelago (such as historical references, to Middle Ages as well as contemporary) created by Eco.
Theme And Axes:
Semiotics and narratives studies
Semiotics of visual, sound and audiovisual languages
University of Modena-Reggio Emilia
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