On memes in the evolution and development of daily clothing of ancient Chinese culture

Abstract:With the theories of memantics and semiotics, this paper mainly ponders on the clothing of everyday life culture in ancient China as a typical pattern of Chinese everyday life at that time,and tries to answer the basic questions of the evolution of everyday life culture, namely, the mechanism of continuation, maintaining, variation and regeneration of everyday life culture. To begin with, according to the theory of Markedness, everyday life is working as the middle item among the three domains of culture. And meme is the basic unit of everyday life evolution and communication. Thus, every meme of the meme pool-everyday life culture-inherits the features of middle term, which are the neutral and the non-stylized. In this, this paper goes on respectively exploring the features, rules, and patterns of meme replicating communication of everyday life culture.
Theme And Axes: 
Semiotics and design
Arts semiotics: times and territories
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China; Institute of Semiotics and Media Studies

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