Semiotic Fitness, Semiotic Fittedness, Semiotic Motivation: A New World Order
The human species ability to engage with its environment via internalized structures of meaning means that it has long since been exalted from the ranks of animal, what John Deely (2002) summarizes as “Semiotic Animal”. To this, I have added that it is our synapomorphic semiotic fitness (2017) that has propelled the homo sapiens to generate mediated worlds through which our very animalistic senses are met. In a sense, the notion of semiotic fitness (which I have reworked to assume the notion of “fittedness” (Kull, 2018) and now Semiotivation (2019) ) is an evolutionary trend, paradoxically, now under threat.
As Heidegger, Adorno, Horkheimer, McLuhan, Donald, and more have already explained, the human’s ability to act semiotically has not only rewired the mind, it has rewired the world. In so doing, our own relationship with the real has been altered. This presentation proposes to look at the role of cognitive narratives, metaphors, mathematics, and new media as a clue to understanding semiotivation.
Our hope is to identify what of human meaning production and interpretation is essential to the specie specific ability to engage with the realm of signs, both real and mediated, and what needs to be preserved of the animal to ensure that the foreshadowing of a failed enlightenment does not actually take hold. Or, perhaps, shall we discover, it is already too late.
Theme And Axes:
Semiotics and anthropology
Semiotics of mediatizations
Ryerson University
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