Digital Lector in the Google Fabula
This proposal is for the session “Umberto Eco's Lector in Fabula/The Role of the Reader 40 years later”.
My presentation will rely on an article published in 2017, entitled “Eco and the Google Search Innovations”, but it will upgrade it with further innovations of the Google search engine and the semiotic approach to it.
My point was constructed around a quotation from Lector in fabula (not present in the English version) saying that “An encyclopedic competence is based on cultural data, which is socially accepted on the basis of the statistical constancy of their occurrence.” For me this passage was crucial to understand the whole book, as it was the key of the transfer of the Peircean pragmatist notion of habit to the sphere of cultural meanings and textual interpretation. All this happened at the eve of the digital age and only a decade after we had Eco’s encyclopedia constructed in the most literal way – the Internet.
I’ll try to show that when Internet enters its mature phase (after year 2000) its internal principles of the information growth resembles quite much to what Eco was modeling as the rhizome like encyclopedia. I’ll argue that the Page rank algorithm, which brought the great success to Google, puts in action the principle of the statistical constancy in a very similar way to Eco’s insight about the encyclopedic competence and the culture at large.
As a consequence of those observations comes the idea that search engines not only reflect what are the realities of the global digital encyclopedia, the internet, but that they contribute actively those same principles to become habits of thought. Actually they are so efficient that in the generations of the internet natives occurs the phenomena of the intellectual externalization – individual memory is employed to register procedures and algorithms how to arrive to the information and not to internalize information as knowledge.
Thème et axes:
L’analyse du discours comme pratique interprétative
Sémiotique de la médiatisation
New Bulgarian University
Estado del abstract
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